Feuerherm-PWDS Inh. Elke Feuerherm
Kasinostr. 39
+49 2241 873410
In the following, the most effective radial wall thickness control, the Partial Wall ThicknessDistribution System, shortly called PWDS, will be explained. It allows to dynamically influence the radial die gap over the length of the parison with respective given profile curves. The heart of the PWDS-System is the dynamic flexible die ring which is moved so far by two servo-hydraulic actuators. PWDS-Systems with two actuators are the most sold PWDS-Systems. Each PWDS-actuator gets connected to a separate control circuit of the machine control. Due to that it is possible to move the actuators independently by different wall thickness profiles. Because of that symmetrical and asymmetrical deformation of the die ring as well as its shifting and also any random combination of these movements can be adjusted to manipulate the die gap. Here the PWDS works in sync with the axial wall thickness control AWDS which affects the parison in its longitudinal direction. Today a wide range of different designs are available due to consistent development of the PWDS-Systems: PWDS-Systems for symmetrical deformation with one deformation axis, PWDS-Systems for symmetrical and asymmetrical deformation with one deformation axis, PWDS-Systems for symmetrical and asymmetrical deformation with two deformation axes, PWDS-Systems for symmetrical and asymmetrical deformation with one deformation axis and one shifting axis.